08 May Please join us in prayer and spirit!
Assumption College for Sisters will hold Commencement Exercises at a date to be announced. The students will receive their diplomas and certificates as planned. Eight graduates will receive Associates in Arts degree. In addition, three students will be awarded Certificates in Theological Studies.
Associate in Arts
Sr. Mary Thuan Bui, FMV
Sr. Martina Marni, SDV
Sr. Lucia Misoji, OSB-OLHC
Sr. Isabel Mula, CPS
Sr. Pascaline Musyoka, CPS
Sr. Lucia Luyen Pham, LHC-TT
Sr. Maria Linh Tran, LHC-TT
Certificate in Theological Studies
Sr. Cherilly Galley, FMA
Sr. Janna San Juan, FMA
Ms. Purita Legaspi