Author: admin

COUNT THE SISTERS, NOT THE SHEEP. How many Sisters do you see? Grounds for Sculpture is located in Hamilton, NJ. On Tuesday September 26, ACS third-year students from Dr. Katherine Doyle's Art History class explored the sculptures and the garden features of the sculpture park and arboretum....

EVERYONE LEADS: HOW TO REVITALIZE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Bestselling author Chris Lowney, a former Jesuit seminarian and business executive who now chairs the board of Catholic Health Initiative, one of the nation's largest healthcare/hospital systems spoke about the challenges of the Catholic Church at St. Mary's...

[caption id="attachment_3991" align="alignleft" width="225"] On our way![/caption] [caption id="attachment_3992" align="alignleft" width="225"] We are here.[/caption]                   [caption id="attachment_3994" align="alignleft" width="225"] L to R: Sr. Roberta, Sr. Joseph, Sr. Eusebia[/caption]                   [caption id="attachment_3995" align="alignnone" width="225"] Assumption College for Sisters graduate Sr. Mary Kieu pictured with Sisters of Christian Charity Sr. Joseph Marie...

Graduates pictured from left to right: Sr. Monica Nakawala, Sr. Cecilia Foleng, Sr. Robertha Mmole, Sr. Eusebia Urassa, Sr. Mary Mai Nguyen, Sr. Thea Tarimo, Sr. Mary Kieu Nguyen On May 13th, students from Assumption College of Sisters will received their degrees. Please join us for...

Our landscaping improvements are courtesy of the ACS Board of Trustee, Facilities Committee and Morris Catholic High School students. Thank you to all of you who worked so hard to make our surroundings beautiful. ...