Author: admin

Each year on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the patroness of our College, we send you our Annual Report. Join us in pray asking her to continue to protect our mission and students. READ the Annual Report  ...

To attend send: name, phone, and your video conference email address to: Indicate “all lectures” or specific dates More Info...

Join in God’s work by supporting Assumption College for Sisters’ Annual Caring Basket Gala – Save the Date!...

Announcing a New Hybrid Course: In person and Online Study with us this Fall: Aug 23 – Dec 17.  Register now!...

Beyond the Beacon episode 56: Vibrant college for religious sisters transforms the world YouTube: Podcast:    ...

Blessings to you during this glorious and wonder-filled season that God gave us through His Son, Jesus! May all that is good, true, and beautiful come your way. May God bless you for your faithfulness to ACS and all your support and prayers to continue our...