A Salute to our 2020 Honorees Video – Click on the link below
A Grateful Salute to our 2020 Caring Basket Gala Honorees and all of the friends of Assumption College for Sisters...
A Grateful Salute to our 2020 Caring Basket Gala Honorees and all of the friends of Assumption College for Sisters...
ACS students are pictured at Michael E. Zibura Jr. Military Service Memorial located on the campus of ACS/Morris Catholic. Zibura was killed in action on September 18, 1968, at the age of 21 in South Vietnam....
Adapting and Improvising At Assumption College for Sisters, we are busy studying. We are thankful to God for our health and safety. We remind ourselves, "God is in charge"....
The pro-life campaign prays for the protection of the babies in the womb at locations where they are being aborted. Intentions include the unborn children who have been lost and for all those harmed by the loss of these precious children. 40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated...
Students of Assumption College for Sisters embrace their baptismal call to take part in the world-wide mission of Jesus. The Sisters prayed the World Mission rosary for the success of the Pontifical Mission Societies’ World Mission Sunday. The Pontifical Mission Societies provide a global network of...
Praying for the Protection of Babies in the Womb On October 13th - the Sixth and Last Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, we participated with LIFENET of Newark NJ. We prayed with over 1000 people via conference call for the Protection of the Babies in...
October - Month of the Holy Rosary Pray with Us! Join us at St. Mary's Denville or in Spirit!...
We are proud to share our Annual Report with you. Traditionally we publish it on the patronal feast of the College, the Assumption. Due to pandemic related issue, we are sharing this with you today. As you read, continue to keep ACS in your prayers...
May the Holy Spirit Guide and Protect Everyone Chemistry class via covid precautions: We are learning to think like protons and staying positive...
Peace Day - The International Day of Peace is observed around the world each year on September 21st. Established by the United Nations in 1981, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute...