Not just for Sisters! We Welcome You! Attention Adult Learners, College Students, High School Graduates Register Now!...
Join the Sisters of Christian Charity for a very special concert with American Pianist, Thomas Pandolfi...
A highlight of ACS’ graduation program each year is a brief talk by one of the graduates who reflects on her class’ experiences during the three years of study at ACS. This year’s presentation was given by Sister Maria Elizabeth Pajoc Siney, Oblate of Mother...
This year Sister Marilyn McCusker, SCC was honored as ACS Alumna of the Year. Sister Marilyn has been a member of the Sisters of Christian Charity for 60 years and is an alumna of ACS having graduated in 1963. In 1970, she graduated cum laude...
Thanks goes to Kristine Donovan for her dedication to Assumption College for Sisters. The 2019 commencement address was delivered by Mrs. Kristine Donovan, a former member and Vice-chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Assumption College for Sisters (2014-2018), serving on the Executive, Governance, and Facilities...