Tired but Happy to help fellow Women!
Sister Students from Assumption College for Sisters were happy to participate in SCC’s Run for a Nun which benefits the education of young women in Initial Formation....
Sister Students from Assumption College for Sisters were happy to participate in SCC’s Run for a Nun which benefits the education of young women in Initial Formation....
Sr. Justina graduated Assumption College for Sisters 7 years ago. She is home in Tanzania working as a teacher in a new school that her community just opened. Thank you to our ACS supporters who give students like Sr. Justina a chance to earn an...
(L to R) Sister Mary Cecilia Akol, LSOSF; Sister Lucia Anh Nguyen, SPP; Sister M. Norbertha Mlowe, OSB; Sister Marie-Therese Linh Nguyen, SPP; Sister M. Charity Nkwera, OSB; Sister Catherine Thu Le, FMV Assumption College for Sisters awards the Associate in Arts Degree to a student...
(L to R) Sister Molly Heine, FMA; Sister Bernadette Joyce Bermejo, FMA; Sister Monica Wheeler, FMA; Cynthia Kaiser-Haidri Assumption College for Sisters awards the Certificate in Theological Studies to a student who has earned a total of 30 credits, including 24 credits in theology and 6...
(L to R) Deacon John Flynn, Deacon James Rizos, and Rev. Martin Glynn...
The 2018 commencement address was delivered by Mary Alice Lawless, a member of Assumption College for Sister’s Institutional Advancement Committee. In 2016, Mary Alice, her husband Fred and their five children were Assumption College for Sisters’ Caring Basket Gala Honorees and received the Family Life...
Alumna of the Year! Sister Teresa Ann Jacobs, SCC has been a member of the Sisters of Christian Charity for 44 years. She is an alumna of ACS and a former Board Member. Sister has served in education, health care administration, and now as the...
Attention: Are you seeking to continue your spiritual formation or in need of professional development hours or college credits? Attend one or all!...
The ACS Community gives thanks to God for the life of Antoinette, who passed away suddenly on May 11, 2018. Anne was deeply interested in ACS’ academic program and the work of the Sisters in their homelands. In recognition of her outstanding commitment to education,...
Our Thanks goes out to all at Morris Catholic School for recognizing our 2018 Graduates after mass of the Ascension of The Lord. The 2018 Graduates are pictured with Fr. Peter Clarke, Ed.D., MCHS President, Fr. Carmen A. Buono, MCHS Chaplain and Sr. Joseph Spring, SCC,...