The students at ACS exemplify the beauty of unity in diversity. These women, united in their aspirations to live a life of holiness as religious consecrated to God in the service of his people, are diverse in background, experience, nationality, race, and the charism of their specific communities.
The presence of lay students in classes is another source of diversity which strengthens the unity of the College. The witness of their deep faith and the sharing of experiences inspire both students and faculty.
The students’ well-balanced life of prayer, study, work, and recreation in community accounts for their goal-centered and characteristically joyful approach to life. Years of experience evidence the supportive influence of the liberal arts curriculum, with theology and philosophy as its crux, on the broader program of the Sister-student’s religious formation. Therefore, studies form an integral part of her daily life.
A student’s credit load harmonizes with her stage of religious formation as required in her particular community. Some students carry only one or two courses a semester, because superiors have assigned them to participate in their community’s active ministry. This arrangement delays academic progress but compensates by providing opportunities for service in the Church through participation in the various community apostolates.
During their period of initial formation, students gain experience in the ministries of their respective communities. Such occasions offer them many opportunities to share their faith with children in local parishes, to participate actively in youth ministry, to serve the handicapped, to visit the elderly and the imprisoned, or to observe and assist professionals in the ministries of education and health care.
Thus, the Caring Basket Gala, allows us all to follow in her footsteps, providing professional preparation and an academic degree in a religious environment. Your support enables Assumption College for Sisters to continue the mission so dear to the heart of Mother Pauline.