Non-Profit Paterson Diocese Tag

May God Bless our Graduates Class of 2023: Associates in Arts Saturday, May 13th 1pm at St. Mary’s Church, Denville. All are welcome to attend Mass and Commencement Ceremony at St. Mary’s or Watch it live streamed Sister Maria Ngat Dinh, LHC-PD Sister Maria Lich Do, LHC-TT Sister Mary...

May God Bless our Graduates Class of 2023: Certificate in Theological Studies Saturday, May 13th at 1pm at St. Mary’s Church, Denville. All are welcome to attend Mass and Commencement Ceremony at St. Mary’s. Watch it live streamed: Sister Juliana Alfonso, FMA Sister Jessica Castillo, FMA Sister Chelsy Sanchez,...

You are our prayers as we journey through Holy Week and into Easter Sunday. May the risen Jesus give us hope, joy, love, and all gifts that our wounded world sorely needs. That will be our special prayer for you at Easter Mass....

Our Goal is $14,000 to replace the heating system and installed a door. ...

Our Goal is $14,000 to replace the heating system and add a door. Can you help us keep the Sisters warm while they Study?...

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