16 May 2019 Graduate Reflection: Sr. Maria Elizabeth Pajoc Siney, OMO
A highlight of ACS’ graduation program each year is a brief talk by one of the graduates who reflects on her class’ experiences during the three years of study at ACS. This year’s presentation was given by Sister Maria Elizabeth Pajoc Siney, Oblate of Mother of Orphans and a native of Guatemala.
Speaking on behalf of her fellow classmates, Sr. Elizabeth closed with “we extend our heartfelt thanks to you for your generosity and support. We know that only saying Thank you is not enough to express our gratitude. In the words of John F. Kennedy, ‘as we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.’ After receiving your help for the past three years we know we must now move forward, make our mark, and be the best we can be in our new missions. Each one of us will try our best to use our knowledge and to carry your dreams and wishes forward for Teach a sister… Touch the World! THANK YOU!”