ACS Blog

This year Sister Marilyn McCusker, SCC was honored as ACS Alumna of the Year. Sister Marilyn has been a member of the Sisters of Christian Charity for 60 years and is an alumna of ACS having graduated in 1963. In 1970, she graduated cum laude...

Thanks goes to Kristine Donovan for her dedication to Assumption College for Sisters. The 2019 commencement address was delivered by Mrs. Kristine Donovan, a former member and Vice-chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Assumption College for Sisters (2014-2018), serving on the Executive, Governance, and Facilities...

Assumption College for Sisters awards the degree of Associate in Arts (AA) to a student who has earned a total of 66 credits. The degree of Associate in Religious Arts (ARA) requires 60 credits. (L to R) Sister Maria Ai Thi Lien Phung, LHC-NT; Sister Domitille Ndayisenga,...

Assumption College for Sisters awards the Certificate in Theological Studies to a student who has earned a total of 30 credits, including 24 credits in theology and 6 in philosophy. (L to R) Sister Maria Fe Tansioco, FMA; Sister Rachel Lauritsen, FMA; Sister Boram Lee, FMA...

Thank you for supporting ACS at our Caring Basket Gala! Pictures to follow.. ACS Scholarship Recipients, Class of 2017, Inducted and Nominated into Honor Societies. The sisters are very grateful to you for supporting ACS which was their strong foundation enabling them to achieve these accomplishments. Sr. Mary Kieu Nguyen,...

Session May 28th - July 3rd Fundamental Moral Theology The Church: Its Nature and History Alumna Testimonial Sr. April Cabaccang, FMA   Fifteen thousand young people were consulted by the Church for the recent Synod on “Young People, Faith and Vocation Discernment.” They have made their need known: “We need to...