ACS Blog

Sister Yovina Mpale, OSB, was scheduled to celebrate her Silver Jubilee along with Jubilarians of the Sisters of Christian Charity on Saturday, November 3.  Due to Hurricane Sandy, the Jubilee was postponed to May 4.  The Jubilee cake, designed by Sister Marie Cecilia Landis, was...

Sister Catherine Laboure, ESL Writing instructor at ACS from 1998-2010, went home to God on the evening of November 5.  She taught our international students with much love and devotion all those years.  May she rest in peace....

  Four students accompanied Director of Experiential Learning Sister Marie Cecilia and President Sister Joseph on a pilgrimage to the Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville, New York on their semester break day. The pilgrimage was to celebrate the Year of Faith and the...

  On Friday, October 19, Sister Yovina Mpale, OSB (pictured above), attended the Bishop Joseph A. Francis Scholarship Award/Dinner Dance at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Newark, where she received a donation on behalf of ACS. Sister Patricia Lucas, Director of the Office of African American, African,...

Please view Fr. Fell's PowerPoint Presentation "BRINGING HEAVEN TO EARTH", which he presented during his Catholic Social Teaching Lecture at ACS this past Sunday.  ...

Msgr. Robert Meyer, long time friend and advocate of ACS, invited international students to enhance the weekend liturgy with native song. Students also enjoyed the Hoboken Street Fair after Mass.   ...