Non-Profit Paterson Diocese Tag

Praying for the Protection of Babies in the Womb On October 13th - the Sixth and Last Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, we participated with LIFENET of Newark NJ. We prayed with over 1000 people via conference call for the Protection of the Babies in...

We are proud to share our Annual Report with you.  Traditionally we publish it on the patronal feast of the College, the Assumption.  Due to pandemic related issue, we are sharing this with you today.  As you read, continue to keep ACS in your prayers...

Two New Cooks in the Kitchen? Fulfilling our ACS Institutional Goals of Community and Service, two of our Graduates, assumed the responsibilities of cooking the meals and kitchen maintenance, for all who were on an “In-House” Retreat last week. Our special thanks goes out to our 2020...

Fulfilling the ACS Institutional Goal of Social Justice, the Sister students assist children in need via Locks of Love. Locks of Love is a non-profit organization devoted to help children suffering from medical hair loss. The Sister students learned about Locks of Love at ACS. Encouraged...

The Sisters enjoy gardening together especially after a long day of studying. They are looking forward to making meals with their homegrown vegetables and teaching each other about their culture's favorite meals....