15 May Graduation May 11, 2013
On May 11th ACS proudly graduated nine students with Associate in Arts Degrees and four students with Certificates in Theological Studies.
Associate in Arts Degree
Katherine DeLucy, SCC
Sister Martha Thuy Huynh, LHC
Sister Mary Joseph Thuoc Le, FMSR
Sister Clara Mwanyalila, ISRA
Sister Alfreda Ngonyani, OSB
Sister Mary Therese Hoa Nguyen, LHC
Sister Germana Senye, ISRA
Sister M. Godeliva Subyeki, DM
Sister M. Veronica Wade, DM
Certificate in Theological Studies
Sister Elfie Del Rosario, FMA
Sister Jennifer Kane, FMA
Sister Sydney Moss, FMA
Kathleen Zayatz