Faculty, Students and Friends Help Prepare for Our Annual Gala
Faculty, students and friends eagerly assemble the invitations for ACS's 12th Annual Caring Basket Gala. Thank you all for your help and support!...
Faculty, students and friends eagerly assemble the invitations for ACS's 12th Annual Caring Basket Gala. Thank you all for your help and support!...
Yumm.. Assumption College and the Sisters of Christian Charity community shared a delicious treat thanks to our African international students. Pictured above from left to right are Sr. Clara, Mary Catherine, Sr. Alfreda and Sr. Cecilia hard at work in the kitchen. Pictured below are...
We often hear about former ACS international students’ good deeds and achievements following their graduations from ACS. However, there are also so many Sisters of Christian Charity who are doing so many wonderful things right here in the United States for our community and surrounding...
This Christmas season was filled with lots of blessings and cheer at Assumption College. We are so grateful to our faculty, staff and students for making our holiday party a huge success. Which was followed by another Christmas gathering presented by the Cornerstone Sisters of...
Over the weekend ACS students received gifts of umbrellas from St. Rose of Lima Parish in Short Hills, thermoses and warm socks from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Bernardsville and wrapped “surprises” from St. Joseph Parish in Mendham's CCD. The gifts not only provide students...
On Saturday, ACS students visited the Morris Museum. They viewed the Musical Machines and Folk Art exhibits. After, they were treated to lunch at an American restaurant where they learned to order a meal. ...
On Wednesday we were blessed to have a quick visit from a good friend of our second year student, Sister Rustica Kayombo, OSB. Diane Nilan is the Founder and President of "HEAR US", a non-profit organization that works to help give a VOICE and VISIBILITY...
Make the holidays even more special for Assumption College for Sisters. Please view iGive to see how you can donate to Assumption College while shopping online at no cost to you!! Now is the moment for maximum help for Assumption College for Sisters. The college will receive...