ACS Blog

Graduates pictured from left to right: Sr. Monica Nakawala, Sr. Cecilia Foleng, Sr. Robertha Mmole, Sr. Eusebia Urassa, Sr. Mary Mai Nguyen, Sr. Thea Tarimo, Sr. Mary Kieu Nguyen On May 13th, students from Assumption College of Sisters will received their degrees. Please join us for...

Our landscaping improvements are courtesy of the ACS Board of Trustee, Facilities Committee and Morris Catholic High School students. Thank you to all of you who worked so hard to make our surroundings beautiful. ...

First Year international students from Ed 099 Library Information Resources class accompanied by their instructor went on a tour of Denville Public Library. Circulation Supervisor Lynn Struebel  led the tour and explained the layout of the facility, materials available, and inter-library loan process....

Religious and Culture Enriching Field Trip On April 5, Dr Jo Anne Sylva & her husband Gene and Sister Marie Cecilia Landis, SCC conducted a field trip at the Cathedral Basilica for the Sacred Heart for the 2nd Year Students from Independent English Study and the...

Celebrating the Vietnamese New Year at Assumption College for Sisters. Video includes performances by our Vietnamese Sisters, Guatemalan Sisters, and African Sisters. Blessings on your Lunar New Year from ACS...

As part of their Developmental Psychology class students from Assumption College for Sisters Ps 202 course attend field observation at St. Mary's School in Denville. This course surveys the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development stages of the human being from conception through aging....

Representing Assumption College for Sisters at the March for Life (from left) Jean Wedemeier, technology instructor; Missionary Sister of the Precious Blood Eusebia Urassa, international student from Tanzania; Angela Ianonne, international student from Italy; Sister of Christian Charity Joseph Spring, president.    Standing in front of the...

It was a wonderful evening at St. Cecilia's on Sunday, January 29th. Sister Students from Assumption College for Sisters along with Sisters of Christian Charity performed a traditional dance....

Sister students visit Interfaith food pantry for a tour and service there.  They are greeted by Doug McMahon (left), Coordinator of Volunteers, and Wayne Merkling (right), a fellow student and regular volunteer at the pantry ...

At a post Christmas gathering on Jan 15, the Long Valley Columbiettes under the direction of Cynthia Jones, visited the sister students of Assumption College for Sisters in Denville, bringing treats, gifts for each sister and also groceries and supplies needed by the college. In...